Jeje Wut?!

Many broadsheets, television shows and blogs are now asking What is Jejemon and if you don't know, then it's time for you to refresh your social networking skills for it is where that this term originated.

Jejemon is a conjuctino of Jeje and Pokemon. Jeje is pronounced as Hehe (letter J as H) and is the sound of laughter. Pokemon, meanwhile, refers to the popular Pocket Monsters.

Jejemon is simply "monsters" who use Jeje when writing about their laughter instead of the more accepted Hehe. And this annoys a lot of people. That's why they think of them as "monsters".

But Jejemons go beyond that for they really have a new way of spelling and writing words and speaking their language. Things like "eY0w p0wh, mUztaH~ nA?" is what their "language" looks like.